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Make A Difference

At Cornerstone Life Building Ministries (LBM), wellbeing is at the forefront of what we’re working together towards. Our programs and activities are designed to be a catalyst that helps community members reach their goals and fulfill their potential. Learn more about the positive impact we have and join us in bringing about positive change.

Home: Welcome

Our Mission

To help people who are at risk of succumbing to life's pitfalls, and the lives of their loved ones, achieve joy filled and productive lives.

"Ministry is What We do; The Church is Who We Are" - Pastor Stone

Church Candles
Faith-based Public Charity

Cornerstone Life Building Ministries is formed under IRS code 501(c), (3), and incorporated in the State of Nevada for the purpose of Alcohol and Drug Awareness, prevention of chemical dependency, co-dependency, and compulsive behaviors by encouraging a sober living environment and a relationship with God for successful sustained recovery

Tools of Recovery

Cornerstone Life Building Ministries uses the best of evidence based, life building tools of recovery that are available, both in and out of the Church. We are empowered by our Faith, the life changing power of the Holy Spirit, and the character-building principles found in The Holy Bible. We use the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous with corresponding scripture as tools of recovery.

"This Jesus is the stone, which was despised and rejected by you, the builders, but which became the CHIEF Cornerstone."

- Acts 4:11 (AMP)

Spiritual Guidance

We teach Bible Study and hold Worship Services for growth, strength and a sustained relationship with God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We provide practical training, group support, and spiritual guidance for people in recovery, their families, and the community as a whole.

Home: Who We Are
Modern Architecture

Our Team.

Board of Directors:

White Structure


We have a sustained Outreach Ministry at the Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center in Las Vegas NV, with regular, weekly, Christ Centered 12 step classes and Overcomers Outreach support group and Overcomers Outreach and co-dependency group at our facility every Friday evening. Sunday mornings begin with Christian Education, Worship Service, and Fellowship for everyone. Mid-week Bible Study both in house and on social media for all. Monthly Fundraisers for Youth Programs and ministry sustainability. We maintain a resource file to connect people to various services in the community. We will add other specific ministries as the Lord sends workers to meet the vast needs of our community. Our future goals are to have a thriving Youth Fellowship and open Transitional Sober Living Houses for those in recovery.


What You Need


Committed to Quality

Our future goal is to create a sober living environment with practical home and job training. practical skills such as maintaining a clean well managed home. Job training through community partners, filing out job applications, online and paper, resume writing and job interviewing skills, and dressing for success.


Exceeding Expectations

Vital resources to help with job seeking, counseling, medical needs, and educational enhancement are provided through our research and collaboration with an interdisciplinary team of providers.


Satisfaction Guaranteed

Group, peer, family and spiritual support are necessary for rebuilding lives that have been ravished by addiction or compulsion. Family Group will be available to all. Those in recovery are encouraged to attend regular AA, NA, CA, GA, and / or OO (Overcomers Outreach) as well as regular church services provided at Cornerstone or a church of their choice.

Home: Services


Call for service location and times. RSVP required.

702 485-4503

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